The History of the Delco-Remy Divsion of General Motors
A.K.A. "The Remy Brothers" or "The Remy Electric Company"

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Air Force Museum   America's Packard Museum    Auburn Cord Duesenberg Museum   Buick Museum   Chrysler Museum   John Deere Tractor and Engine Museum   Gilmore Car Museum   Kansas Aviation Museum   Kokomo Auto Museum   Michigan Firehouse Museum   Missouri Museum of Military History   Museum of Flight   National Automobile and Truck Museum    National Packard Museum   North Carolina Maritime Museum   Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust Allison Branch  RE Olds Transportation Museum   Ropkey Armor Museum   Studebaker Museum   USS Alabama Aviation Museum   War in the Pacific Museum   Wright Museum of WWII   Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage Museum

Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust Allison Branch - Indianapolis, IN

In early 2017 the Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust moved from the west side of Indianapolis to downtown Indianapolis.  When it did, the focus of the Trust became completely aircraft engines.  This is understandable as this is the current product line of Rolls-Royce in Indiana.  The Delco-Remy parts shown below are no longer on display.  Also, the old location had an ambiance about it that the new location does not.  The new display is nice, but is rather sterile.  I will keep this page open as a reminder of what DR products were at the old location.
DDJ 7-31-2017
This page added 3-1-2014.
The Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust Allison Branch in Indianapolis, IN would seem an unlikely place to find examples of Delco-Remy products as it is the local history center for not only the current Rolls-Royce aircraft engine products, but the previous Allison Division of General Motors.  But sure enough, there are several displays with Delco-Remy alternators or cranking motors on them.
Located in the Rolls-Royce Customer Center and UAW Training Center on the west side of Indianapolis, the display room has an excellent example of Allison and Rolls-Royce aircraft engines and history.

This portion of the display area includes many of the early Allison aircraft engines, including the first jet engine it built in the front right portion of the photo.

In the back of the Heritage Center are several displays from Allison's experiments with gas turbines for use in vehicles and to power stationary engines.

This cut-away gas turbine display of what was in the engine bay of the Caprice above has a DR alternator on it.


While it may have been painted black one can still read "Delco-Remy" on the back of the 10SI.

This Allison Model GT 404, 360 hp gas turbine designed for over the road trucks and stationary generators has a Heavy Duty Delco-Remy cranking motor on it.

One has to know what they are looking at to know it is a DR product but with further investigation the one can find the painted over DR tag.

This unidentified Allison gas turbine for vehicle use also has a 10SI alternator on it.

The Rolls-Royce Heritage Trust Allison Branch in Indianapolis, IN is open to the public during working hours at the Rolls-Royce complex in Indianapolis.



This Website has no affiliation with General Motors, Delphi Holdings, Remy International, or Borg-Warner.  The content is to only present a historical perspective of the plants and products of the former Delco-Remy Division previous to 1994.  All content presented on this website is for general information only.   Website designed and maintained by David D Jackson.  
Contact:  David D Jackson